Tuesday, May 19, 2009

96 Bottles

That's how many bottles I returned today to The Beer Store. 
Here in Ontario most wine is bought at the LCBO (Liqour Control Board of Ontario) and a deposit of 20 cents per bottle is charged. If you want your money back you must return your empties to The Beer Store and not  to the LCBO. Confusing no but very inconvenient.


roentare said...

Good arrangement of the bottles here. Kind of abstract here for sure.

Lowell said...

Aw, shoot. If you had three more you could have walked in singing "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall!"

Great shot. I wish we had some such arrangement for payment of returns.

That is the chicken said...

This reminds me that it's about time I went to the bottle depot too!

ChrisJ said...

Well, running glass guy, you are certainly running a lot of glass here! Leaving Friday for three weeks, but I'll be back.